by Diana | Nov 3, 2014 | Liturgical Calendar, Saints
For as long as I’ve known, my mom has had this statue of St Martin de Porres. She doesn’t know who gave it to her, and she’s not quite sure why she has it. But he’s still there. She took the photo above yesterday for this post. When I was...
by Diana | Nov 2, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Liturgical Calendar, Portugal
All Souls Day is the official day set aside by the Church to commemorate and pray for the dead. Of course, Catholics are always–or should be always–praying for the dead, no matter what day it is. As I mentioned in my earlier post about praying for the...
by Diana | Nov 1, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Personal Travel, Pilgrimage, Portugal, Saints
It’s been almost two weeks since my husband David and I returned from our whirlwind tour of Portugal as we filmed our next series, The Faithful Traveler in Portugal. It was such a spectacular trip, and I plan to tell you about it in future posts, there is so...
by Diana | Oct 31, 2014 | Catechism, Dappled Things, Liturgical Calendar, Prayers, Saints
As the month of October quickly comes to a close, my first thought is WHERE DID IT GO?! Wasn’t it just Summer? Did I pray enough rosaries? Then, I accept the fact that winter is upon us and my thoughts turn to pumpkin flavored everything, thermals, hot chocolate, and...
by Diana | Oct 10, 2014 | Behind the Scenes, Pilgrimage
Hi everyone! It’s the end of our second day in beautiful Lisbon (Lisboa, as the locals call it), and I am tired and have muito (much) to do, but I promised I’d check in, so here I am! Wow. Catholic Lisbon is ginormous. There is way too much for my OCD...