Service with A Smile, All for Our Lady

Service with A Smile, All for Our Lady

My sister gets this email from a Yahoo group called Mary Vitamin. I think it’s the cutest thing. Since I don’t have or want a Yahoo account, she forwards the emails she gets to me, and you know, sometimes… actually, very frequently, these emails shoot through my...
A New York State of Mind

A New York State of Mind

I’ve been spending a lot of time in New York City lately. I was there Saturday, Monday, and now I’m going again tomorrow to meet with some people about some pictures… God willing, I won’t get another ticket like I did on Monday. So much for not blocking the box...
Saint Joseph's Day

Saint Joseph's Day

Today is the Feast of St. Joseph, Patron of Workers, and since I am doing my best to make creating The Faithful Traveler my day-to-day work, I just finished praying a novena to Our Lord’s earthly father and guardian. I’d never prayed much to St. Joseph before. I think...
Dali Hell and a Little Girl Suffering

Dali Hell and a Little Girl Suffering

In writing my script for the Blue Army Shrine, I got the chance to explore a bit of Salvador Dali’s Catholic side, something I had experienced on a trip to Barcelona in 2006, when David and I went to the Dali museum and were blown away by some of his pieces on Christ...