by Diana | Apr 16, 2011 | Behind the Scenes, Holy Land
We left the US around midnight on March 25th—the Feast of the Annunciation, the anniversary of our engagement (David and me), and… oddly enough, the day that the ONE RING was unmade in Mordor… yes, I am a Tolkien dork… plus I had been watching The...
by Diana | Jan 1, 2011 | Holy Land, Pilgrimage
Well. Talk about God answering your prayers, and then some. If you’ve been following our blog, you may have been wondering where we’ve been. In brief, since The Faithful Traveler debuted on EWTN in March 2010, we’ve been waiting to see if God would enable us to...
by Diana | Oct 5, 2010 | EWTN, Reviews, Season One, Videos
William Newton, an online acquaintance, fellow ND Law alum, and just all-around awesome guy recently said he’d be happy to review our 2-DVD set. I’ll be honest. I was nervous sending the DVDs to William. He’s one of those people you admire online—you know the people...
by Diana | Apr 9, 2010 | Behind the Scenes, EWTN, Pretty Things, Season One
This Sunday (at 6 pm, not the usual 5 pm!!), EWTN will air Episode 6, featuring Philadelphia’s wonderful Miraculous Medal Shrine. There is SO MUCH to say about this shrine. I’m not sure where to begin. I mean, we live all of 20 minutes away from it, so I think I’ve...
by Diana | Apr 5, 2010 | Behind the Scenes, EWTN, Season One
This week, EWTN is airing Episode 5 of The Faithful Traveler, featuring two locations in Maryland that are associated with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: St. Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site on Paca Street in Baltimore and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth...