Living in Bethlehem, Where it All Began

Living in Bethlehem, Where it All Began

Did you hear that we’re organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land this April? It’s going to be awesome! As part of the excitement leading up to this trip, I’m speaking with people who have either been to the Holy Land lately or who live there. Denise...
Talking Music and Poetry with Isabel Marcheselli

Talking Music and Poetry with Isabel Marcheselli

When I was editing the first episodes of The Faithful Traveler, I made the decision to add music to the series and I asked all of my friends if they knew someone who wrote music. That’s how I met Isabel Marcheselli. She was Isabel Rivera at the...
Remembering the Holocaust at Yad Vashem

Remembering the Holocaust at Yad Vashem

On our last visit to the Holy Land, we were fortunate to visit and film at Yad Vashem, the vast and haunting holocaust museum in Jerusalem. Pope St John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis all visited this memorial on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and I...