

Today is such a wonderful day. Not only is it the Feast of the Annunciation, but it is the anniversary of the day that David proposed to me (hee!), and it is the day that St. Elizabeth Ann Seton took her vows as a Sister of Charity! So many special things take place...
Worldwide Fatima Sanctity of Life Day

Worldwide Fatima Sanctity of Life Day

This is so exciting… On October 18, 2009, the Blue Army Shrine in Washington, NJ, will be praying for life and peace at the Worldwide Fatima Sanctity of Life Day. Guess who’s the Master of Ceremonies? Moi. I know, it’s insane. Will you be anywhere near New...
Trusting in God’s Will

Trusting in God’s Will

This week, I finished writing the script for one of our shows on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. One of the things I LOVE about working on this show is the many wonderful things I get to learn as I conduct my research and create the shows. I never knew much about St....
Why Go On Pilgrimage

Why Go On Pilgrimage

That’s a great question. Here’s my answer. For me, pilgrimage has always meant coming home to a place where I know that I am loved. You know that feeling of security you get with family, knowing that even though they know all your crazy quirks, they love...
My Mini Book of Saints

My Mini Book of Saints

The Mini Book of Saints, which I wrote, is coming out at the end of this month. It isn’t the book I wish it could have been—the original MS was much longer and more detailed. Still, the realities of publishing are that text gets cut to fit the desired page count. I’m...