St Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, MD
Yesterday, God blessed us with fabulous weather for our 2.5 hour drive to Emmitsburg, MD, to discover the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. I always love learning completely new things about the history and tradition of the Catholic Church, and this experience was truly an opportunity for learning. I had NO IDEA this shrine was located so close to the battleground of Gettysburg. Nor did I know that as a result of its close proximity, the American Daughters of Charity were actually some of the first to tend to the wounded and dying on the battlefield! There’s another great story behind this link, but I do have to save something for our script! LOL
Suffice it to say that we are SO going to shoot here! This shrine is not only amazingly organized and well-kept, but it is FULL of great information about this first American saint, and many Catholic traditions. It’ll definitely make for an interesting show!
Well, we’ll have to add this one to the list. And now I need to start scheduling all of this. I have to research for about 4 new locations, write the scripts, and schedule the shoots. It’s a lot to do. Please pray for me. Must stay focused!